Thursday, 1 May 2014


Most of the traditional media's attempts to compete with NDM have been too little and too late. Does your case study support this view?

Newspaper put their content online for free in the 1990's.
Galtung and Ruges news value, immediacy

First section:
Paywall- the sun and the times. Revenue increased

  • Audiences disappearing 
  • print sales failling
Mike Darcy - the Mail are invaluable


  • less need for journalists
  • blogposts
  • better for institutioons
  • citizen journalists
Link with David Simon 'Build the wall'
Says the quality decreases

Second section:
social networking sites, twitter, facebook, speed of news eg celebrity deaths and sport - found out on twitter ect

Paretos Law 80/20 - Marxism
Pluralism news on the tweet  - need traditional media insitutions

Marxism - mass control over the media
eg the sun reveal gay footballer
challenges by new and digital media
power shouldnt be in the hands of one person