The growth of new and digital media has affected many institutions, such as The Sun Newspaper and The Sun on Sunday. It affected The News of The World newspaper. It was running for 168 years, however it was closed down due to the phone hacking scandal, which involved the previous editor Rebekah Brookes. The trial is still going on. Rupert Murdoch, who owns the newspaper, decided to close The News of the World down and continued to carry out news on Sundays. Another change that has occurred is that the The Sun and The Times decided to go behind a pay wall. The Times has been behind a pay-wall for 3 years now and The Sun recently went behind a pay-wall. Despite being behind a pay-wall, both newspapers have lost readers, as they aren't willing to pay for news when they know they can get it for free from other newspapers such as The Guardian and The Daily Mail. These newspapers' readers have increased, as more and more people aren't wiling to pay for news. However, The Sun are using the goals app to attract subscribers.
2) Develop examples of the impact that new and digital media has had on News Corp’s brands (paywalls, readership figures, audience share etc.)
the sun and the times- changed, as they introduced a pay wall as they were feeling threatened
the sun and the times- newspaper cuts into profit- easier ways to views news- iphone, etc
readershop figures have gone down as other newspapers are reducing their prices to try and steal other viewers
the sun and the times viewers have decreased due to the paywall that has been introduced, and other newspapers have increased, as people are getting news free and would rather get it for free than pay